Homage & Remembrance

Homage & Remembrance

Picto coeur

Annual commemoration

To organise this symbolically important time for victims, we are a driving force of suggestions to the departments of the City and the State.
Every year, we adduce the voice of our members. Here, find our speeches of the last two years (in french for now...).

We provide financial support to victims who come from a distance to mourn in Nice on that day.

Annual commemoration
Picto coeur

We communicate various problems relating to the Villa Massena's temporary memorial (maintenance of the location, photo frames, deposited objects etc.)

The choice and installation of a final memorial is a major issue which is still under discussion. In this regard, we consulted our members via a survey, to make our voices heard to the services of the City of Nice and the State.

We are in touch with the Memorial Committee, under the aegis of the DIAV [Inter-Ministerial Delegation to Support Victims], responsible for considering how to commemorate the various terrorist attacks of which France has been the victim.

Picto coeur

Convinced that our actions and remembrance work must tend towards Living Together in Peace, we are members of the JIVEP Nice collective.
Several inclusive initiatives have been carried out enabling us to highlight our association, sometimes for fund-raising, but always, above all, to pay tribute to our victims and perpetuate their memory.

A big thank :

  • to Karine Chomat and Sonia Amiral for their involvement in the Amazones 2019 raid
  • to the legionnaires of the 4th Foreign Legion Regiment for their involvement in Iron Man 2018
  • to the walkers of the Himalayas of "Exploits sans Frontière"
  • to the commune of Venanson for its commemorative plaque
  • to Tom Pardo for his choreography video "Promenade des Anges"
  • to France's Rugby Union team for its homage
  • to the Carnaval florists
  • to the student organisers of the "Courir pour nos anges" [Run for Our Angels] operation
  • to OGC Nice
  • to the National Theatre of Nice.